La vita in Sardegna è forse la migliore che un uomo possa augurarsi: ventiquattro mila chilometri di foreste, di campagne, di coste immerse in un mare miracoloso dovrebbero coincidere con quello che io consiglierei al buon Dio di regalarci come Paradiso.
- Fabrizio De André

Regolamento en


Clelia and Beppe, really glad to welcome you, communicate the internal regulations.

The rules to be observed in the B&B are not only those sanctioned by law, but above all those dictated by common sense and mutual respect. When booking the room, a deposit is required to guarantee the reservation. The methods for paying the deposit will be communicated to you by email confirming availability. You will then be sent the confirmation of the room reservation with a description of all the services offered and included in the price.
The delivery of the rooms is scheduled from 15.00 until 21.00, except for different needs of our guests. In order to organize ourselves, a communication from you about the arrival time and any delays will be appreciated. Upon arrival at the B&B, valid identity documents (Passport or Identity Card) must be delivered (if not anticipated by Whatsapp or Email), necessary for the registrations required by current legislation. Failure to comply with this obligation constitutes a violation of the provisions of the criminal code and authorizes us to request the immediate abandonment of the B&B. The data of our guests are treated in accordance with the current privacy legislation. Once the Notification Form has been completed, the balance of the stay will be requested and must be paid in cash or by card or debit card. To prove payment, a receipt will be issued stating the amount and details of your stay. The keys will then be handed over and the room, bathroom and common area will be shown.

Breakfast is served in the breakfast room approximately between 07.00 and 09.30. The cleaning of the bedrooms and bathrooms is carried out at the end of the stay or every 4 days for extended stays (excluding Sundays and holidays) and includes the change of bed linen and towels, while the common area is tidied up every day. (Please note: to protect the environment, we at the B&B "Mare Monti Miniere", in collaboration with our kind guests, have decided to limit the damage caused by pollution, by not sending clean sponges to wash during long stays. We would be grateful if you would kindly leave only the dirty towels on the shower tray that need to be replaced).

It is absolutely not allowed to smoke inside the rooms and rooms. The observance of this simple rule stems from the need to protect those who do not smoke (all of us) or those who will come after you, as well as a standard for fire prevention.
It is our pleasure to inform you that our rooms do not have safety boxes for the safekeeping of valuables, therefore we invite our guests not to leave any valuables unattended in the rooms, bathrooms and common areas and always close the doors and windows. , when you leave your room. The B&B declines all responsibility for the loss, theft or damage to objects of your property left in the rooms, bathrooms and common areas for damage to persons or things to and from third parties. Any damage must be declared and compensated immediately to the manager of the house.
In compliance with the B&B regulations and the Municipal Police regulations, it is required to observe silence in the time slot between 2.00 pm and 4.00 pm and from 10.00 pm to 7.30 am.

It is forbidden to consume food in the room and turn on your own stove. In accordance with regional legislation as well as for reasons of safety and respect for other guests, we do not allow the use of stoves, however we do allow the free consumption of pre-cooked and microwave-heated foods in the kitchen (in respect of other guests it will be the responsibility of those who use them reorder). The kitchen has a sink, fridge, freezer, microwave, kettle, toaster and for your convenience, we provide free plastic glasses, plates and cutlery, as well as kitchen paper! It is strictly forbidden to receive visits and additional guests other than those residing there. Any visits must be previously agreed. Correct and civil use of the toilets is recommended, avoiding throwing anything into the toilet. (Please use the special baskets).
Furthermore, given the increase in the cost of energy, it is recommended to turn off the lights and air conditioners every time you leave the room.
If you are forced to cancel the reservation, you must send a written communication, by email or via whatsapp. In the low season, we return the full amount up to 7 days before the arrival date (15 days in the high season: Christmas, Easter, from 15 June to 15 September, etc.). While under this term, 50% of the amount paid as a deposit will be retained. Failure to present, without due notice, entails the withholding of the entire deposit. In case of early departures there are no refunds.
Before confirming the reservation via email, we invite guests to read our "Internal Regulations" and to indicate their acceptance in writing. Therefore, all reservations, even those without confirmation of reading and acceptance, will be considered compliant with the others with "Assent".

On the day of your departure, the rooms must be vacated no later than 10.30 am to allow the staff to carry out the cleaning. If guests wish to continue their visits or shopping, they can leave their luggage in custody.

Sure of your kind cooperation we remain available for any clarification and we wish you a happy stay in Sulcis Iglesiente !!!

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